
The region of the orinoquía comprises the departments of the Putumayo, Vichada, Casanare and Arauca. It is famous by his beautiful dusks and his traditional music. It is the second bigger region of the country and his people is very kind and merry in all occasion.



The economy of the region orinoquía composes  mainly of the agriculture and the ganadería. They seed  plants like the rice, sorgo, corn, cane of sugar, banana, yuca, cacao and cotton. Regarding the ganadería, the main frequency regarding  livestock is the crianza of toros and cows (livestock vacuno) so much for the production of milk and meat and to be used in several sports (toreo and coleo). As other alternatives of economy is the tourism and the minería (carbón, hulla, gold, silver, etc.)


Typical dishes

The dish by excellence of the flat is the meat asada or the mamona prepared to the traditional style llanero, almost always accompanied with guacamole, salty pope, rice and banana. Likewise, for the desayuno can find the ayaca, a tamal of small size but big flavour.



Flora and fauna

In the flat oriental find big varieties of animals and plants, because of the big climatic variety and environmental present. We find more frequently the following:

Felines: Cougars, tigers, lions, jaguars and linces.

Birds:Corocora, garza white, garza red, garza pink, between others.

Reptiles:Snakes of all type (anacondas, mapanás, cascabeles, etc.) The vegetation of these zones this formed mainly by pastures, with trees scattered and of little height and thickets of 1 to 2 m. Of height. Besides, find  also the forest of Gallery that grows along the rivers, with similar appearance to the of the selva humid. This forest is composed by high trees of different species; between them the morichales that grow in the places of the altillanura where the conditions of humidity of the soil are them favourable. Besides, we can see very frequently, already was in the field, the selva or the city, distinct species of flower of cayena, plant of red flowers, yellow and in rare white or pink occasions.


Typical suit

The traditional suit llanero for the woman is the one of the dancers of joropo, with a long skirt and floreada, a white blouse ribeteada of lace and some cotizas, all complemented with a combed simple of half side and a flower in the head. The men carry white shirt of long sleeve, hat of straw, black trousers "arremangao" and also cotizas.



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